Why SSGs

I advocate for static web site generators (SSGs) as they are an excellent tool for web site content creation alone or in a team once you mastered the necessary software engineering skills.

I’ve been working with static web site generators (SSGs) for a while now. I like them because

  • I can concentrate on writing content in my favorite editor in a simple text format
  • content can be easily reused, reorganized and put under version control
  • I can use software engineering tools, including a build- and deployment pipeline
  • I can publish changes to my websites within seconds
  • last not least, all my content sits in text files on my local harddrive, with an automated backup there and also as it is regularly pushed to remote git repos. Moving the web sites to another provider is very easy if needed.

I do not advocate for SSG for all Web Sites. WebApp CMS systems like WordPress or Typo3 are far more easy to use for most people:

  • content can be edited using an online app
  • No software needs to be installed
  • no shell command needs to be entered.

But this is precisely why I advocate for SSG to be used in computer science projects, as they are an excellent opportunity to practice

  • git skills
  • working with the command line (shell)
  • CI and CD skills and knowledge (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery)