
Hugo Introduction

Hugo Static Website Generator

Hugo is a static website generator implemented in the Go Programming Language. This documentation is meant to complement the Hugo documentation by providing a high-level overview of the structure of Hugo.

Quick Start

How to Fork a Theme & Deploy it on GH Pages

You can quickly get started with a deployed site on github by forking one of the example sites:


As a static web site generator, hugo takes the site structure and the site content (in markdown format) and generates the complete web site. The web site - HTML, CSS, JS in a directory structure - is then copied to the web server. The web server then only serves static files, with no need to invoke scripts or to access a database.

Content Creation and Delivery Processes

Most known Web Content Management Systems (like Wordpress, Typo3, Drupal) are Web-Applications which integrate content editing and publication in one single application. With a static site generator, these process steps are divided: Content creation is done on your local computer, and content delivery is done by a static web server like nginx or apache.

Editing (Content Creation)

Content Creation in Hugo is done by editing markdown files. The site’s structure is defined in templates, which are also plain text files. Both are usually put under version control and edited with the same tools used in software development.

Publishing (Content Delivery)

A Hugo site is published by copying it (deploying it) to any web server which then makes it available to the readers (via the http protocol, the delivery). A web server is a machine running http server software like Apache or NGINX.The deployment can be automated using Continuous Deployment practices.

Online Editing

Using the online editing function of GitHub, Hugo sites become “real” CMS-Systems.