Theme Tryout for the Geekdoc Theme. Part of the About Hugo Project.
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Site configuration

baseURL = "http://localhost"
title = "Geekdocs"
theme = "hugo-geekdoc"

# Required to get well formatted code blocks
pygmentsUseClasses = true
pygmentsCodeFences = true
disablePathToLower = true
enableGitInfo = true

# Required if you want to render robots.txt template
enableRobotsTXT = true

    # Needed for mermaid shortcode or when nesting shortcodes (e.g. img within
    # columns or tabs)
    unsafe = true
    startLevel = 1
    endLevel = 9

  tag = "tags"

  # (Optional, default 6) Set how many table of contents levels to be showed on page.
  # Use false to hide ToC, note that 0 will default to 6 (
  # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter.
  geekdocToC = 3

  # (Optional, default static/brand.svg) Set the path to a logo for the Geekdoc
  # relative to your 'static/' folder.
  geekdocLogo = "logo.png"

  # (Optional, default false) Render menu from data file in 'data/menu/main.yaml'.
  # See also
  geekdocMenuBundle = true

  # (Optional, default false) Collapse all menu entries, can not be overwritten
  # per page if enabled. Can be enabled per page via 'geekdocCollapseSection'.
  geekdocCollapseAllSections = true

  # (Optional, default true) Show page navigation links at the bottom of each docs page.
  geekdocNextPrev = false

  # (Optional, default true) Show a breadcrumb navigation bar at the top of each docs page.
  # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter.
  geekdocBreadcrumb = false

  # (Optional, default none) Set source repository location. Used for 'Edit page' links.
  # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter.
  geekdocRepo = ""

  # (Optional, default none) Enable 'Edit page' links. Requires 'geekdocRepo' param
  # and the path must point to the parent directory of the 'content' folder.
  # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter.
  geekdocEditPath = "edit/main/exampleSite"

  # (Optional, default true) Enables search function with flexsearch.
  # Index is built on the fly and might slow down your website.
  geekdocSearch = false

  # (Optional, default false) Display search results with the parent folder as prefix. This
  # option allows you to distinguish between files with the same name in different folders.
  # NOTE: This parameter only applies when 'geekdocSearch = true'.
  geekdocSearchShowParent = true

  # (Optional, default none) Add a link to your Legal Notice page to the site footer.
  # It can be either a remote url or a local file path relative to your content directory.
  geekdocLegalNotice = ""

  # (Optional, default none) Add a link to your Privacy Policy page to the site footer.
  # It can be either a remote url or a local file path relative to your content directory.
  geekdocPrivacyPolicy = "/privacy"

  # (Optional, default true) Add an anchor link to headlines.
  geekdocAnchor = true

  # (Optional, default true) Copy anchor url to clipboard on click.
  geekdocAnchorCopy = true

  # (Optional, default true) Enable or disable image lazy loading for images rendered
  # by the 'img' shortcode.
  geekdocImageLazyLoading = true

  # (Optional, default false) Set HTMl <base> to .Site.Home.Permalink if enabled. It might be required
  # if a subdirectory is used within Hugos BaseURL.
  # See
  geekdocOverwriteHTMLBase = false

  # (Optional, default true) Enable or disable the JavaScript based color theme toggle switch. The CSS based
  # user preference mode still works.
  geekdocDarkModeToggle = false

  # (Optional, default false) Auto-decrease brightness of images and add a slightly grayscale to avoid
  # bright spots while using the dark mode.
  geekdocDarkModeDim = false

  # (Optional, default false) Enforce code blocks to always use the dark color theme.
  geekdocDarkModeCode = false

  # (Optional, default true) Display a "Back to top" link in the site footer.
  geekdocBackToTop = true

  # (Optional, default false) Enable or disable adding tags for post pages automatically to the navigation sidebar.
  geekdocTagsToMenu = true

  # (Optional, default 'title') Configure how to sort file-tree menu entries. Possible options are 'title', 'linktitle',
  # 'date', 'publishdate', 'expirydate' or 'lastmod'. Every option can be used with a reverse modifier as well
  # e.g. 'title_reverse'.
  geekdocFileTreeSortBy = "title"

  # (Optional, default none) Adds a "Content licensed under <license>" line to the footer.
  # Could be used if you want to define a default license for your content.
    name = "CC BY-SA 4.0"
    link = ""
baseURL: "http://localhost"
title: "Geekdocs"
theme: "hugo-geekdoc"

# Required to get well formatted code blocks
pygmentsUseClasses: true
pygmentsCodeFences: true
disablePathToLower: true
enableGitInfo: true

# Required if you want to render robots.txt template
enableRobotsTXT: true

    # Needed for mermaid shortcode or when nesting shortcodes (e.g. img within
    # columns or tabs)
      unsafe: true
    startLevel: 1
    endLevel: 9

  tag: tags

  # (Optional, default 6) Set how many table of contents levels to be showed on page.
  # Use false to hide ToC, note that 0 will default to 6 (
  # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter.
  geekdocToC: 3

  # (Optional, default static/brand.svg) Set the path to a logo for the Geekdoc
  # relative to your 'static/' folder.
  geekdocLogo: logo.png

  # (Optional, default false) Render menu from data file in 'data/menu/main.yaml'.
  # See also
  geekdocMenuBundle: true

  # (Optional, default false) Collapse all menu entries, can not be overwritten
  # per page if enabled. Can be enabled per page via 'geekdocCollapseSection'.
  geekdocCollapseAllSections: true

  # (Optional, default true) Show page navigation links at the bottom of each docs page.
  geekdocNextPrev: false

  # (Optional, default true) Show a breadcrumb navigation bar at the top of each docs page.
  # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter.
  geekdocBreadcrumb: false

  # (Optional, default none) Set source repository location. Used for 'Edit page' links.
  # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter.
  geekdocRepo: ""

  # (Optional, default none) Enable 'Edit page' links. Requires 'geekdocRepo' param
  # and the path must point to the parent directory of the 'content' folder.
  # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter.
  geekdocEditPath: edit/main/exampleSite

  # (Optional, default true) Enables search function with flexsearch.
  # Index is built on the fly and might slow down your website.
  geekdocSearch: false

  # (Optional, default false) Display search results with the parent folder as prefix. This
  # option allows you to distinguish between files with the same name in different folders.
  # NOTE: This parameter only applies when 'geekdocSearch: true'.
  geekdocSearchShowParent: true

  # (Optional, default none) Add a link to your Legal Notice page to the site footer.
  # It can be either a remote url or a local file path relative to your content directory.
  geekdocLegalNotice: ""

  # (Optional, default none) Add a link to your Privacy Policy page to the site footer.
  # It can be either a remote url or a local file path relative to your content directory.
  geekdocPrivacyPolicy: "/privacy"

  # (Optional, default true) Add an anchor link to headlines.
  geekdocAnchor: true

  # (Optional, default true) Copy anchor url to clipboard on click.
  geekdocAnchorCopy: true

  # (Optional, default true) Enable or disable image lazy loading for images rendered
  # by the 'img' shortcode.
  geekdocImageLazyLoading: true

  # (Optional, default false) Set HTMl <base> to .Site.Home.Permalink if enabled. It might be required
  # if a subdirectory is used within Hugos BaseURL.
  # See
  geekdocOverwriteHTMLBase: false

  # (Optional, default true) Enable or disable the JavaScript based color theme toggle switch. The CSS based
  # user preference mode still works.
  geekdocDarkModeToggle: false

  # (Optional, default false) Auto-decrease brightness of images and add a slightly grayscale to avoid
  # bright spots while using the dark mode.
  geekdocDarkModeDim: false

  # (Optional, default false) Enforce code blocks to always use the dark color theme.
  geekdocDarkModeCode: false

  # (Optional, default true) Display a "Back to top" link in the site footer.
  geekdocBackToTop: true

  # (Optional, default false) Enable or disable adding tags for post pages automatically to the navigation sidebar.
  geekdocTagsToMenu: true

  # (Optional, default 'title') Configure how to sort file-tree menu entries. Possible options are 'title', 'linktitle',
  # 'date', 'publishdate', 'expirydate' or 'lastmod'. Every option can be used with a reverse modifier as well
  # e.g. 'title_reverse'.
  geekdocFileTreeSortBy: "title"

  # (Optional, default none) Adds a "Content licensed under <license>" line to the footer.
  # Could be used if you want to define a default license for your content.
    name: CC BY-SA 4.0

Page configuration

# Set type to 'posts' if you want to render page as blogpost
type = "posts"

# Hugo predefined front matter variable, to re-arrange items in file-tree menu
# See weights section of
weight = 10

# Set how many table of contents levels to be showed on page.
geekdocToC = 3

# Set a description for the current page. This will be shown in toc-trees objects.
geekdocDescription =

# Set false to hide the whole left navigation sidebar. Beware that it will make
# navigation pretty hard without adding some kind of on-page navigation.
geekdocNav = true

# Show a breadcrumb navigation bar at the top of each docs page.
geekdocBreadcrumb = false

# Set source repository location.
geekdocRepo = ""

# Enable 'Edit page' links. Requires 'geekdocRepo' param and the path must point to
# the parent directory of the 'content' folder.
geekdocEditPath = "edit/main/exampleSite"

# Used for 'Edit page' link, set to '.File.Path' by default.
# Can be overwritten by a path relative to 'geekdocEditPath'
geekdocFilePath =

# Set to mark page as flat section (file-tree menu only).
geekdocFlatSection = true

# Set true to hide page or section from side menu (file-tree menu only).
geekdocHidden = true

# Set false to show this page as a file-tree menu entry when you want it to be hidden in the sidebar.
# NOTE: Only applies when 'geekdocHidden = true'.
geekdocHiddenTocTree = true

# Set to true to make a section foldable in side menu.
geekdocCollapseSection = true

# Add an anchor link to headlines.
geekdocAnchor = true

# If you have protected some pages with e.g. basic authentication you may want to exclude these pages
# from data file, otherwise information may be leaked. Setting this parameter to 'true' will exclude the
# page from search data, feeds, etc.
# WARNING: Consider hosting a standalone, fully auth-protected static page for secret information instead!
geekdocProtected = false

# Set 'left' (default), 'center' or 'right' to configure the text align of a page.
geekdocAlign = "left"
# Set type to 'posts' if you want to render page as blogpost.
type: "posts"

# Set page weight to re-arrange items in file-tree menu.
weight: 10

# Set how many table of contents levels to be showed on page.
geekdocToC: 3

# Set a description for the current page. This will be shown in toc-trees objects.

# Set false to hide the whole left navigation sidebar. Beware that it will make
# navigation pretty hard without adding some kind of on-page navigation.
geekdocNav: true

# Show a breadcrumb navigation bar at the top of each docs page.
geekdocBreadcrumb: false

# Set source repository location.
geekdocRepo: ""

# Enable 'Edit page' links. Requires 'geekdocRepo' param and the path must point to
# the parent directory of the 'content' folder.
geekdocEditPath: "edit/main/exampleSite"

# Used for 'Edit page' link, set to '.File.Path' by default.
# Can be overwritten by a path relative to 'geekdocEditPath'

# Set to mark page as flat section (file-tree menu only).
geekdocFlatSection: true

# Set true to hide page or section from side menu (file-tree menu only).
geekdocHidden: true

# Set false to show this page as a file-tree menu entry when you want it to be hidden in the sidebar.
# NOTE: Only applies when 'geekdocHidden: true'.
geekdocHiddenTocTree: true

# Set to true to make a section foldable in side menu.
geekdocCollapseSection: true

# Add an anchor link to headlines.
geekdocAnchor: true

# If you have protected some pages with e.g. basic authentication you may want to exclude these pages
# from data file, otherwise information may be leaked. Setting this parameter to 'true' will exclude the
# page from search data, feeds, etc.
# WARNING: Consider hosting a standalone, fully auth-protected static page for secret information instead!
geekdocProtected: false

# Set 'left' (default), 'center' or 'right' to configure the text align of a page.
geekdocAlign: "left"