Editing (Content Creation)

Content Creation in Hugo is done by editing markdown files. The site’s structure is defined in templates, which are also plain text files. Both are usually put under version control and edited with the same tools used in software development.

flowchart LR
    content[/"Site Content (Markdown)"/]
    structure[/"Site Structure (HTML, CSS, JS)"/]
     ⚙️ `"]
    website[/"Complete Website with Content 
    (HTML, CSS, JS)"/]
    content & structure --> hugo
    hugo --> website

Editing Overview

Have a look at the hugo site examples section. The hugo-bare-bones/ example is a good starting point to explore Hugo’s file structure. Basically, the generated site mirrors the structure in the content folder.

c l o a       H n y       u t o g e p u _ i o n o t d n t s s e d S t f e o s _ h a b l s x u i e u a i i . r n l l s s n h c d l t e t g t e e o o . l m x . f h e l . m . t . m d h m h d t l t m m l l p u b G l e i i p n c n o e d s r e t a x s h i t . e n e h l d d t l e m o i x S l n . i d h t e t e x m . l h t m l

You can add new pages by either

  • calling hugo new (e.g hugo new content posts/second-post.md ) which copies a template from /archetypes, or by
  • creating a new markdown file and adding the front matter (page settings at the top of the file) manually (e.g. by copying and modifying it from another file).

Local build

While editing your page, you can have hugo build and serve your page by calling

    hugo server

and access the site in your browser: http://localhost:1313

If the port 1313 is not available, another port will be used. (check the output). Call hugo server --help to see further options. Calling hugo without server will only generate the site (to the /public folder) without starting a development server. This is mainly used to build the site for production deployment.

My practice is to create a makefile which will open the browser and start hugo with one command - have a look at the Makefiles in the hugo /sites repos. Some of the themes (e.g. GeekDoc) use npm for a similar automation. The hugo command currently used for this site:

hugo -b "http://localhost:$(port)" --enableGitInfo --navigateToChanged --buildDrafts server -p $(port)
flowchart TD
subgraph cc["content creation"]
direction LR

    content[/"Site Content (Markdown)"/]
    structure[/"Site Structure (HTML, CSS, JS)"/]

    subgraph hs["hugo server"]
     ⚙️ `"]
    website[/"Complete Website with Content 
    (HTML, CSS, JS)"/]

    content & structure --> hugo
    hugo --> website
    ed1 -->|edit|content
    ed1 -->|edit|structure
    website -..->|view|ed1

While editing the site, hugo server continuously rebuilds the complete website and provides it for preview by via an integrated http server.


Markdown is a text file format allowing for editing source files directly with as little visual clutter as possible. I prefer to edit hugo sites in a text editor (currently visual studio code) and have a browser window open that displays the generated page. Hugo server will update the page automatically after each save; with the --navigateToChanged option it will additionally switch to the current page.

Editing Setup ScreenshotEditing Setup Screenshot

Markdown References

A further Note on Markdown Editors: Markdown preview plugins are available for most major editors. They may be useful if you learn markdown or try something new and are not in an environment where the page is rendered directly - as e.g. when editing a repo readme.md page. If editing Hugo pages I still recommend using the page rendered by Hugo as your preview, you see the page as it is generated by hugo with its current settings (there are many different markdown renderers and all of them are configurable!) and will encounter errors or missing parts in the site setup right away.

Hugo does not automatically create a complete navigation. It supports the (semi-) automatic generation of a main menu data structure which can then be used to render the navigation. The main menu can be created by either:

  • setting sectionPagesMenu = "main" in the config: one main menu item will be generated for each section (direct /content subfolder)
  • marking pages in their front matter to be included (menus = 'main')
  • declare menu items in the site configuration

The minimal-site example shows a menu in the footer that is generated from .Site.Menus.main themes/minimal-theme/layouts/partials/footer.html. It also shows that the above mentioned three ways to add items to the menu can be combined.

Hugo offers various ways to traverse the site structure which can be used to generate a navigation without the .Site.Menus intermediary. The minimal-site example shows a way how the main navigation (in layouts/partials/navigation.html) can be automatically generated from the site structure. The GeekDoc theme also generates the menu in an elaborate and configurable way.

When choosing a theme for your site, carefully consider if the menu structure matches your planned content. Usually this includes having a look at the source code and test if it is extensible in the way you need. Note that most themes are categorized by their purpose and have an according main navigation, like for instance an hierarchical structure for Documentation themes or chronological posts lists for Blogs.