
Description: My HTW Homepage.
Live Site: https://home.htw-berlin.de/~kleinen/
Source Code: https://github.com/bkleinen/bkleinen.github.io
GH Actions: actions
Theme Home Page: https://github.com/bkleinen/bkleinen.github.io/tree/main/hugo/themes/greenpage

My HTW Homepage contains all information about my classes and other HTW related stuff. I’ve created an own theme based on bootstrap for it.

It contains more than 10 years of history, see https://home.htw-berlin.de/~kleinen/classes/.

The site is automatically deployed both to https://bkleinen.github.io/ and the HTW home page server for every tag pushed to main, powered by a combination of Makefile and shell scripts - all I have to do is commit the changes and then do a

make deploy